An English/ German hybrid, born in Kenya in 1977, Serge Seidlitz grew up traveling between the UK and Asia, where a diet of MTV & Mad magazine fuelled Serge Seidlitz's desire to become an illustrator. Serge Seidlitz combines elements of popular culture with these diverse influences to create a body of work which both relates back to an iconic graphic language and also explores innovative and original ideas through maps, information graphics, character design and much more.
Serge Seidlitz won an Association of Illustrators (UK) Gold Award 2006. Category - Self Promotion for his 'USA Road Map'
Illustration related events/projects include the on-going Doodlearth project, involving illustrators from around the globe.
Previous clients include: Vodafone, Barclays Bank, Robinsons, Firstbank, Discovery Channel, KFC,, Honda, The Economist, Dorling Kindersley, LA Times, Shell Oil, British Airways, Gardenburger, Star Wars/Lucas and many many more.
To date events have included:
Designersblock : illustrate 2007, London
Magdalena Festival, Maribor, Slovenia 2008
Platform 21 = Checking reality, Amsterdam 2008
ondotzero, Buenos Aeries, Argentina 2008
ondotzero, London BFI, November 2008